Macho 1
Border Collie
Macho 1
Border Collie
Sexo Macho
Nascimento: 19/12/2023
Cor Marrom e Branco
Britain Border I Believe In Miracle
Multi Ch Wildblue Tyr (AKC DN42335003) [Usa]
Best In Border Sophisticated Lady
AKC Ch Wildblue Before Sunset (AKC DN36505206) [Can]
AKC Ch Wildblue Valkyrie (AKC DN32314702) [Usa]
Best In Border Vittorio Emanuele [Bra]
Best In Border Donna Karan [Bra]
Happenstance Cat Five
Wildblue Stormlight
Happenstance Keeping It Cool
Wildblue Spell of The Gold Country
Wildblue Soulcast
Zecara's Cooler Than Me
Wildblue Mischievous Spells